Important contributions

You can follow me on GitHub: mcolmant


PowerAPI is a middleware toolkit for building software-defined power meters. Software-defined power meters are configurable software libraries that can estimate the power consumption of software in real-time. PowerAPI supports the acquisition of raw metrics from a wide diversity of sensors (eg., physical meters, processor interfaces, hardware counters, OS counters) and the delivery of power consumptions via different channels (including file system, network, web, graphical). As a middleware toolkit, PowerAPI offers the capability of assembling power meters «à la carte» to accommodate user requirements.


BitWatts is an extension of PowerAPI for building software-defined power meters inside virtualized environments.


powerspy.scala is a tool for getting the power consumption from the PowerSpy power meter.


benchmark-containers is a repository for gathering open-source workloads as Docker images (described as Dockerfiles in the repository).